Competition and solidarity networks in contemporary South Asia’s Labour Market

Cette journée d’études se déroulera à :
Salle M019
Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
Place Paul Ricoeur 75013 Paris
Université Paris Diderot


9:00 : Keynote speech by the organisers

9:30 : Presentation by Jens Lerche (SOAS London) : “Labour markets of the Indian boom : deregulation, informalisation and entrenching patterns of social inequality”

10:30 : Morning tea, coffee and snacks

10:45 : Remi De Bercegol (CNRS - UMR 8586 PRODIG) : “Development on the urban fringe : the economic vitality of the furniture industry of Kartarpur.”

11:45 : Xavier Hermand : (Paris Nanterre - UMR 7186 LESC) : “The artisans’ communities in Jalalabad, castes in Muslim context or family cartels”

12:45 Lebanese lunch

14:00 : Presentation by Isabelle Guérin (IRD - UMR 245 CESSMA) : “Webs of debt. Unfree labour, financial exploitation and social integration in the age of financialisation” (written with G. Venkatasubramanian)

15:00 : Lola Salès (Paris Nanterre - UMR 7218 LAVUE) : “Who has the right to public space ? Competition, social organization, identities and
citizenship reshaping in the context of the Street vendors Act
implementation in Mumbai”

16:00 : Afternoon tea, coffee and snacks

16:15 : Odile Henry (Université Paris 8) & Mathieu Ferry (ENS Cachan) : ”The structuring of a social space of recruitment for elite engineering students : the case of IIT students”

17:15 : Round table

18:00 : Goodbye cocktail

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